Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Old Penn State Joke

My kids know this about me, but I am not sure how many folks outside of my family do. I like College Football, and I always am rooting for Penn State, my dad's and my brother's alma mater.

Anyhow, it is football season and the Nittany Lions are looking very good, undefeated. so I thought I would pass on an old joke that my dad recently sent me. Enjoy!

After former Florida State head football coach dies and enters the Pearly
Gates, God takes him on a tour. God shows Bobby a little two-bedroom house
With a faded FSU banner hanging from the front porch.

God says, 'This is your house, coach. Most people don't get a house up

Bobby looks at the house, then turns around and looks at the big house
Sitting on top of a big hill. It's a huge two-story mansion with white
Marble columns and little patios under all the windows. Penn State flags
Line both sides of the walkway, and a huge Penn State banner hangs between
The marble columns.

'Thanks for the house, God. But, let me ask you a question. I get this
Little two bedroom house with a faded FSU banner and Paterno gets a mansion
With new Nittany Lion banners and flags flying all over the place. Why is

God looks at him seriously for a moment and says, 'Paterno's not dead.
That's my house.'


Anonymous said...

If God isn't a Penn State fan, then why is the sky Blue and White?
For the Glory...

Jason Wakefield said...

I would love to get that bumper sticker, that is an olde and goodie as well.