Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sermon Text: Psalm 81

Psa. 81:1 Sing aloud to God our strength;
shout for joy to the God of Jacob!
Psa. 81:2 Raise a song; sound the tambourine,
the sweet lyre with the harp.
Psa. 81:3 Blow the trumpet at the new moon,
at the full moon, on our feast day.
Psa. 81:4 For it is a statute for Israel,
a rule of the God of Jacob.
Psa. 81:5 He made it ma decree in Joseph
when he went out over* the land of Egypt.
I hear a language I had not known:
Psa. 81:6 “I relieved your* shoulder of the burden;
your hands were freed from the basket.
Psa. 81:7 In distress you called, and I delivered you;
I answered you in the secret place of thunder;
I tested you at the waters of Meribah. Selah
Psa. 81:8 Hear, O my people, while I admonish you!
O Israel, if you would but listen to me!
Psa. 81:9 There shall be no strange god among you;
you shall not bow down to a foreign god.
Psa. 81:10 I am the LORD your God,
who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.
Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Psa. 81:11 “But my people did not listen to my voice;
Israel would not submit to me.
Psa. 81:12 So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts,
to follow their own counsels.
Psa. 81:13 Oh, that my people would listen to me,
that Israel would walk in my ways!
Psa. 81:14 I would soon subdue their enemies
and turn my hand against their foes.
Psa. 81:15 Those who hate the LORD would cringe toward him,
and their fate would last forever.
Psa. 81:16 But he would feed you* with the finest of the wheat,
and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sermon Text: Psalm 77

Psa. 77:1 I cry aloud to God,
aloud to God, and he will hear me.
Psa. 77:2 In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord;
in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying;
my soul refuses to be comforted.
Psa. 77:3 When I remember God, I moan;
when I meditate, my spirit faints. Selah
Psa. 77:4 You hold my eyelids open;
I am so troubled that I cannot speak.
Psa. 77:5 I consider the days of old,
the years long ago.
Psa. 77:6 I said,* “Let me remember my song in the night;
let me meditate in my heart.”
Then my spirit made a diligent search:
Psa. 77:7 “Will the Lord spurn forever,
and never again be favorable?
Psa. 77:8 Has his steadfast love forever ceased?
Are his promises at an end for all time?
Psa. 77:9 Has God forgotten to be gracious?
Has he in anger shut up his compassion?” Selah
Psa. 77:10 Then I said, “I will appeal to this,
to the years of the right hand of the Most High.”*
Psa. 77:11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
Psa. 77:12 I will ponder all your work,
and meditate on your mighty deeds.
Psa. 77:13 Your way, O God, is holy.
What god is great like our God?
Psa. 77:14 You are the God who works wonders;
you have made known your might among the peoples.
Psa. 77:15 You with your arm redeemed your people,
the children of Jacob and Joseph. Selah
Psa. 77:16 When the waters saw you, O God,
when the waters saw you, they were afraid;
indeed, the deep trembled.
Psa. 77:17 The clouds poured out water;
the skies gave forth thunder;
your arrows flashed on every side.
Psa. 77:18 The crash of your thunder was in the whirlwind;
your lightnings lighted up the world;
the earth trembled and shook.
Psa. 77:19 Your way was through the sea,
your path through the great waters;
yet your footprints were unseen.*
Psa. 77:20 You led your people like a flock
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Global Incident Map Website

I am going to mention this on Sunday. Kinda addicting.

Global Incident Map

A Googled powered map that displays earthquakes, amber alerts, hazmat situations, disease, aircraft incidents, etc.....

Makes our world look fairly unstable.

Sermon Text: Psalm 75

Psa. 75:1 We give thanks to you, O God;
we give thanks, for your name is near.
We* recount your wondrous deeds.
Psa. 75:2 “At the set time that I appoint
I will judge with equity.
Psa. 75:3 When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants,
it is I who keep steady its pillars. Selah
Psa. 75:4 I say to the boastful, ‘Do not boast,’
and to the wicked, ‘Do not lift up your horn;
Psa. 75:5 do not lift up your horn on high,
or speak with haughty neck.’ ”
Psa. 75:6 For not from the east or from the west
and not from the wilderness comes lifting up,
Psa. 75:7 but it is God who executes judgment,
putting down one and lifting up another.
Psa. 75:8 For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup
with foaming wine, well mixed,
and he pours out from it,
and all the wicked of the earth
shall drain it down to the dregs.
Psa. 75:9 But I will declare it forever;
I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.
Psa. 75:10 All the horns of the wicked I will cut off,
but the horns of the righteous shall be lifted up.