Friday, May 27, 2011

Sermon Text: Galatians 6:1-5

Gal. 6:1 ¶ Brothers,* if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.
Gal. 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Gal. 6:3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
Gal. 6:4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.
Gal. 6:5 For each will have to bear his own load.

Final Thoughts on South Africa 2011

I have been meaning to put a few thoughts on my trip to the Southern Hemisphere. Here is my attempt to summarize my experience in South Africa.

First, I want to say that it was a wonderful experience and I hope to return in a year or so, Lord willing. In my years of ministry experience, it was indeed a highlight and I hope in the future my ministry will have more opportunities like this in South Africa.

Assisting and helping ministers in underdeveloped countries and developing countries is a real interest to me. The church is growing quickly in Asia, Africa and South America. The ministers in these regions need help, and using my experience to equip them better seems like a good use of my education.

24 ministers from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia & Congo. A wide variety of ages, and experience, all willing to learn. The testimonies and breakthroughs were inspiring. It was so rewarding to hear many of them making some significant strides in their understanding of the gospel and their ministry. I am hoping they are going home with a new sense of purpose and tools to help them in their ministries.

What was evident during the 2 weeks, was the work of the Holy Spirit. I know I was not that inspiring to listen to, or my 2 colleagues. But I really sensed God was at work, and it was an honor to be apart of it.

There is more I can say, but I will end it here. I am grateful for the opportunity, I am thankful for Life Church Foundation and their effort to put this together, and I have a new found respect and appreciation of the good people in South Africa.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I had a meal, he ate at a banquet

God often speaks to us in the in between moments in life. When we are just living life and going through the motions. That happen to me Tuesday Night.

Tues Night we took the 24 GLI participants, and took them to a local restaurant that has a special on Tuesdays. It is a nice place, offers a 3 course meal, drink included about $6. 35 people were fed for about $200 USD. Good deal, nice place, the food was fine.

As we were driving the some of the pastors from Namibia back to their dorms, I asked them how they liked the meal. An older gentleman, with a heart full of thanksgiving and great emotion said to me “ Pastor, I will never never never forget this night. It was so wonderful, I will write about it, I will always remember this night. I feel so blessed.”

After we dropped them off, I asked John, my friend who was with me, what he thought of the Namibia minister's comment. And John surmised, and I think he is right, this was probably the first time he ever sat down and ate a modern South African restaurant These ministers come from in Namibia, the bush, they don't have place like this to eat.

For me, it was a simple meal at a nice restaurant, something I have done countless times. I take it for granted. It filled my stomach and I was satsified. But for my Namibia brother, it was a banquet. He sat at a table with 20 other ministers and church workers and enjoyed a feast. He also filled his stomach, but instead of just being satisfied, he was grateful and thankful. He was filled with joy, and felt blessed.

It is a moment I don't want to forget, God teaches us sometimes important lessons in these moments. I felt humbled, and somewhat spoiled for taking for granted a meal that was provided for me. May it lead me to be more thankful and grateful for God's provisions in my life.

Monday, May 16, 2011

GLI South Africa 2011 - Day One

Today, the Global Leadership Institute begins in South Africa. A very exciting day.

This is in partnership with Life Christian Foundation. 24 pastors mostly from South Africa and Namibia.

In the picture is Dr. John Thompson, speaking for the first time to the participants. Please pray for this training and ministry. There is a lot of need in Africa for solid biblical training.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Traveling to the Southern Hemisphere

In a few days, I will be departing for the Southern Hemisphere with 2 other men from the States. Our purpose and mission is to help training African minsters from neighboring countries. This is very much a passion and interest of mine, helping to train and provide resources to ministers in underdeveloped and developing countries. This will indeed by time well spent.

The organization we are working with is Life Christian Foundation (LCF). Looking forward to meeting them and working with them for the purposes of the gospel.

I will be trying to keep folks update via twitter, facebook and the blog. Look for future updates!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Guest Speakers - May 8, 15, 22

For the next 3 Sundays, we will be having guest speakers at Christ Presbyterian. Seems weird, but I will be out of the pulpit until Memorial Day weekend.

We have some wonderful men coming to minister at CPC. Starting this Sunday, May 8, with Jeremy Mullen, a RUF Chaplain at Harvard University.

Jeremy has preached before at CPC, the folks are looking forward to his arrival.

May 15 it is Ted Ogley. A native on NH, Ted is working with another church in our Presbytery to start a new PCA church in NH. This will be Ted's first visit to CPC.

Finally, May 22 is Dave Stewart. Dave is a Teaching Elder from Portland, ME and has been to CPC before. He will be administering the Lord's Supper on May 22 as well as preaching.

Thanks men for letting me step out of the pulpit!