Thursday, September 04, 2008

Young Scots embracing Christianity, what a surpise!

Read this article today, and I could not help but smirk a bit.

Presbyterianism has its roots in Scotland, and so when I hear about the church in Scotland I naturally am interested.

Secular Europe seems like to me as an impenetrable fortress. It has evolved to a more secular view of the world. Christianity has nothing to offer, and is seen by some as a lame duck.

And yet I have seen over and over again, that out of that kind of environment, people begin to rethink whether secular though has all the answers. Is it possible that there is a God? Apparently, more and more young people in Scotland are saying yes.

This is why I have hope in a place like New England, that has followed the trends of Europe. God's Spirit is always at work in our world.

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