Monday, October 23, 2006

Back in New Hampshire

Saturday was great...... The southern BBQ lived up to its hype. A lot of folks showed up for the BBQ and the talent night. The talent night was hilarious, my host played Richard Simmons and it was hysterical. Very funny.

I got to share Saturday Night about New England and Nashua and was able to expand on that during the Sunday School hour the next morning. I had a lot of folks come up to me afterwards and were very encouraging. After lunch on Sunday, I travelled to Charlotte Douglas Airport and waited for my flight back to Boston. The flight was uneventual and I got home late Sunday Night.

The featured speaker was Dr. Henry Krabbendam. A very good speaker and really challenged the church and missionaries to follow Paul's example as described in Philippians 1, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

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