Thursday, October 26, 2006

Reformation Sunday

Many folks with a Presbyterian or Lutheran background like to remember on the last Sunday of October the famous event of October 31, 1517. The key figure is Martin Luther, the famous church father who protested the abuses of the Catholic Church in the 16th Century. If you read this article about him, you will discover why this date is so significant and why many churches remember it as Reformation Sunday and sing, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God".

1 comment:

the forester said...

So I'm working on a book about my year in China, I'm digging through journals and letters, and I come across a description of a certain Sam Wakefield who hung out with me in Beijing for two weeks. Three Google clicks -- that's all it took to find you!

Church planter with the PCA, eh? Not bad! My wife and I are attending a PCA church plant near Baltimore. You must be busy!

Gotta run to work, but wanted to leave you this quick note. If you want a quick dose of Chinese nostalgia, enjoy this.