Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What New Hampshire is known for in Religious Circles

Last year some of our elders from our Presbytery travelled to Uganda to teach at a seminary. All of them were from New Hampshire.

At first, they were not welcomed and it was unclear why. After reassuring the Uganda Christians of these elders' credentials, being biblical and conservative everything seemed fine. They had a great time

The problem was with where they were from, New Hampshire. New Hampshire in the mind of many in the church is now associated with one man, Gene Robinson.

You might have heard about him being heckled in England this past weekend, it seems not everyone in the Anglican church is still not settled on what to do next.

But in the eyes of the universal church, particularly those who are traditional, New Hampshire has a negative connotation. Next time I travel abroad, I might not want to mention I am a minister from New Hampshire.

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